1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the ceilidh.online moderators.

  1. Do not engage in hate speech of any kind Any post that contains hateful language meant to demean or harm another user or group of people will not be tolerated and your account and IP will be banned for doing so. We are not a government so don't even try to claim First Amendment rights.
  2. Use CW at your discretion to help protect the community at large It is expected that you can self-edit and place sensitive posts behind a CW. Warnings will be given for non-compliance and further action will be taken if the issue persists.
  3. Please report issues to the Admins and Moderators and let us take care of them Please do not act as an admin or moderator if you are not. Instead, report adverse activity so the team can handle it properly as well as make reports to other admins.
  4. Violence against any member of this or other instances will result in your account being banned If this is not clear enough for you then maybe this isn't the instance for you. Violent and threatening speach will not be tolerated against anyone on the Fediverse and will result in an immediate ban.
  5. Talk, Share, Intermingle, and Have Fun! This server is meant to be a place where we can have all sorts of discussions and share our moments. Please keep that in mind when you post.
  6. Please submit missing language translations to mods and admins This system is translation-enabled using libretranslate. If you are unable to translate a post please share that post with a mod or admin so we can add the language pack to the system.
  7. We Are a Safe Place for the LGBTQIA+ Community You are safe here. The admin and mod team are hand-picked to be sensitive to our community and we will do everything we can to make sure you will be comfortable here. Anyone that is not part of the LGBTQIA+ community or an ally need not apply.
  8. No Discrimination Allowed, EVER! We welcome all races, ethnicities, genders, etc. as long as you follow the rules. We are stronger through diversity and through diversity we understand our selves better.
  9. This Instance Honors Reports from Fediblock Instances reported to the Fediblock hashtag are reviewed throughout the day and added to our filters to help ensure the content here is not pluted by hatred and bigotry.
  10. New Account Requests Must Have a Meaningful Reason When requesting a new account you must include a meaningful reason for joining this server. Requests that only have a word or two in the reason, or the reason does not make sense will be rejected.